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Finally, an affordable, performance minded replacement air intake plenum to replace your factory plenum. The factory plenum is prone to failure at higher than stock boost levels. Our 3d printed intake plenum is designed with strength and performance in mind. You can choose from 2 options.

  • Our left hand delivery intake was designed to work with stock location throttle body. This is a great option for people who budget minded and are looking to re-use as much of there current setup as possible.
  • Our right hand delivery intake was designed to minimize the length of tubing and the amount of bends. with only 1 45 degree bend and almost 2 feet less pipe we have been able to obtain the highest flow from the intercooler to the plenum possible. This option includes a BOV with the plenum.

Ibexx Velocity Intake Plenum

$899.00 Regular Price
$809.10Sale Price


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